The Speech of the manager

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Together we build generations
 * The progress of nations can only be through education and we often see the school as the only institution responsible for education, but sometimes it assumes the responsibility of the educational process in full to reach the desired goals and objectives and the expected progress of our students, but rather know that the achievement of goals and goals and progress It can only be a combination of institutions and complementarity among them to make the school a success.
* One of the most important institutions that contribute to the success of the educational process is the family. The joint cooperation between the family and the school and the close link between them helps in the graduation of a generation capable of keeping up with the age while maintaining its valuable balance of customs and traditions.
 * If we look at the reality of partnership between them, we find communication is weak and can only be in rare cases and at the request of the school: such as low academic level, or the emergence of behaviors are not in line with the required values ​​or unwanted and should not be cooperation to eliminate negatives or modify Behavior, but to promote values ​​and build an integrated, balanced, constructive and interactive personality in society.